Lentil & Bean Salad With Roasted Beets, Candied Pecans, Oranges & Chevre In A Citrus Mustard Vinaigrette

This fresh, hearty salad celebrates our Saskatchewan roots by featuring protein rich pulses and adding flavourful mustard and camelina oil as the base to the vinaigrette.

 ¼ cup fresh squeezed orange juice
 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
 2 tsp grainy mustard
 1 tsp honey
 ¼ cup camelina oil
 salt & black pepper to taste
 ½ cup lentils of your choosing, cooked
 ½ cup beans of your choosing, cooked
 3 cups tri-coloured beets, peeled, roasted and cut in wedges
 6 cups mixed baby greens
 2 cups oranges, peeled and sliced
 ¼ cup candied pecans
 ¼ cup chevre (goat cheese)


Combine orange juice, apple cider vinegar, mustard, honey, camelina oil, salt and pepper together. Wisk until well incorporated.


Assemble salad ingredients (lentil, beans, beets, baby greens, orange slices) in a bowl, drizzle 2 to 3 tablespoons of dressing over the mixture. Mix lightly.


Top the salad with crumbled goat cheese and candied pecans and enjoy!